The Archives of Global Change in the 21st Century
Book of Change & Hope Earth & Space Education Sept 11, 2001 Archives Barack Obama Archives
 Complete International Archives of September 11, 2001
Over 50 Historic Sections - 9/11/01 News from 2001-2009 is the Internet's #1 Resource for the Events of 9/11.
Over 45 Million Visitors since September 2001.
News Archives of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington.
September 11 News .com - The September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on America at the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and Flight 93. The 9/11 attack on America is a day of infamy. September 11 News has complete news archives, including images, pictures, photos, graphics, reactions, speeches, FDNY firefighters, and Sept. 11th timelines. September 11 News .com - The September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on America at the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and Flight 93. The 9/11 attack on America is a day of infamy. September 11 News has complete news archives, including images, pictures, photos, graphics, reactions, speeches, FDNY firefighters, and Sept. 11th timelines.
USA Attacked
September 11, 2001-The Day the World Changed
Sept. 11th archived news, photos, graphics, images, webs, and newspapers.
News archives from September 11, 2001 and the years that followed 9/11/01.

Latest News

Test Post 123

September 11, 20th Year Anniversary

This year marks the 20th Year Anniversary of 9/11. This site has archived all the major news in the initial months and almost all the news in the first year of this tragic event. I purchased this site in late 2000’s from the previous owner who created almost 95% of the site content you see […]

Americans Remember Sept 11, 2001

It has been 12 years since the September 11 attacks, but no American will ever forget this event. It is probably the most tragic day in American history ever. We pause today to remember all those that lost their lives. Several officials including the president have made comments today about this tragic events: The president […]

Tribute to the victims of the 9-11 attacks, painted by an Iranian artist

Here is a painting Tribute to the victims of the 9-11 attacks, painted by an Iranian artist.

President of Iran Ahmadinejad calls 9/11 a mystery

Last week President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held a speech at the UN General Assembly and called the 9/11 incident a “mystery.” Previously he has also said as an engineer he did not think that it was possible for the Twin Tower buildings to come down in that fashion just with 2 planes. The speech […]

September 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images of 9/11/2001 related events from September 11, 2001 to September 30, 2001. America gets ready for the war on terrorism. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

September 11-30, 2001
Daily Timeline & Photos
September 11, 2001 Mysteries - Crosses & Images - A cross stands in the ruins of the WTC towers, and startling and eerie images are seen in the photos and videos of the WTC smoke and fires. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Crosses in the Ruins
& Faces in the Smoke
September 11, 2001 International Web Archives - Archived breaking news web pages from world news websites. Breaking news pages from Canada and Europe. Plus world news links from 9/11/2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

9/11 World Webs
September 11, 2001 Attack Images & Timelines - Images of the 9-11-2001 attack on New York's World Trade Center & the Pentagon in Washington. Plus timelines and hijackers photographs of the Sept. 11th flights. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

9/11 Attack Images
September 2001
Timeline & Images
Daily timeline and
daily images of 9/11
related events from
September 11, 2001
to September 30, 2001.
America readies for war.

September 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images of 9/11/2001 related events from September 11, 2001 to September 30, 2001. America gets ready for the war on terrorism. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>September 2001
9/11 Mysteries 1 -
Crosses & Images
A cross stands in the
ruins of the WTC towers,
and many startling and
eerie images are seen
in the photos and videos
of the WTC smoke.

September 11, 2001 Mysteries - Crosses & Images - A cross stands in the ruins of the WTC towers, and startling and eerie images are seen in the photos and videos of the WTC smoke and fires. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Cross & Images
9/11 International
News Web Archives
Archived breaking news
web pages from world
news websites. Breaking
news pages from Canada
and Europe. Plus world
news links from 9/11.

September 11, 2001 International Web Archives - Archived breaking news web pages from world news websites. Breaking news pages from Canada and Europe. Plus world news links from 9/11/2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>World Web News
9/11 Attack
Images & Timelines
Images of the 9-11-2001
attack on New York's
World Trade Center, and
Pentagon in Washington.
Plus timelines & hijackers
of September 11 flights.

September 11, 2001 Attack Images & Timelines - Images of the 9-11-2001 attack on New York's World Trade Center & the Pentagon in Washington. Plus timelines and hijackers photographs of the Sept. 11th flights. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Attack Images
October 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from October 1, 2001 to October 31, 2001. America attacks the al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and America is on alert for anthrax. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

October 1-31, 2001
Daily Timeline & Photos
September 11, 2001 Mysteries 2 - The Number Eleven - From the date of 9-11-01 to flight AA11, the number 11 mysteriously dominates events before and after 9/11.The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

The Number Eleven
Mysterious Coincidences
September 11, 2001 United States Web Archives - Archived breaking news web pages from U.S.A. news websites. Breaking news pages from CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. Plus USA news links from 9/11/2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 United States Web Archives - Archived breaking news web pages from U.S.A. news websites. Breaking news pages from CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. Plus USA news links from 9/11/2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

9/11 USA News Webs
September 11, 2001 Aftermath Images - Sept/Oct/Nov - September 11th attack aftermath images. Photos from WTC Ground Zero and the Pentagon. WTC images from space and Sept. to Dec. images. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

9/11 Aftermath Images
From Sept 11th - Dec 31st
October 2001
Timeline & Images
Daily timeline and daily
images from October 1
to October 31, 2001.
America attacks the
al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
U.S. on alert for anthrax.

October 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from October 1, 2001 to October 31, 2001. America attacks the al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and America is on alert for anthrax. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>October 2001
9/11 Mysteries 2 -
The Number Eleven
From the date of
9-11-01, to Flight AA11,
the number eleven
mysteriously dominates
events before and
after September 11th.

September 11, 2001 Mysteries 2 - The Number Eleven - From the date of 9-11-01 to flight AA11, the number 11 mysteriously dominates events before and after 9/11. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Number Eleven
9/11 United States
News Web Archives
Archived breaking news
web pages from U.S.A.
news websites. Breaking
news pages from CNN,
news links from 9/11.

September 11, 2001 United States Web Archives - Archived breaking news web pages from U.S.A. news websites. Breaking news pages from CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. Plus USA news links from 9/11/2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Web News
Aftermath Images
September 11, 2001
attack aftermath images.
Photos from WTC Ground
Zero & the Pentagon.
WTC images from space
and Sept. - Dec. images.

September 11, 2001 Aftermath Images - Sept/Oct/Nov - September 11th attack aftermath images. Photos from WTC Ground Zero and the Pentagon. WTC images from space and Sept. to Dec. images.The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Aftermath Images
November 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from November 1, 2001 to November 30, 2001. The Northern Alliance takes Kabul, Afghanistan and American forces bombard the Taliban. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

November 1-30, 2001
Daily Timeline & Photos
September 11, 2001 Mysteries 3 - Early Attack Signs - 'Prophetic' remarks from Donald Rumsfeld, precognitive artworks, al-Qaeda dreams, and Middle East spies all indicate early signs and predictions. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Early Signs of Attack
& Prophetic Signs
September 11, 2001 International Newspaper Covers & Headlines - Main International Newspapers - Newspaper front covers by country. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

International Papers
September 11, 2001 International Leaders Reaction - World leaders react to the attack on America. Comments and speeches of leaders from around the world on the day of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

World Leaders React
International Speeches
November 2001
Timeline & Images
Daily timeline and daily
images from November 1
to November 30, 2001.
Northern Alliance
takes Kabul, and U.S.
forces bombard Taliban.

November 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from November 1, 2001 to November 30, 2001. The Northern Alliance takes Kabul., Afghanistan and American forces bombard the Taliban. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>November 2001
9/11 Mysteries 3 -
Early Attack Signs
'Prophetic' remarks
from Donald Rumsfeld,
precognitive artworks,
al-Qaeda dreams, and
Middle East spies all
indicate early 9/11 signs.

September 11, 2001 Mysteries 3 - Early Attack Signs - 'Prophetic' remarks from Donald Rumsfeld, precognitive artworks, al-Qaeda dreams, and Middle East spies all indicate early predictions and signs. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>9/11 Early Signs
9/11 International
Newspaper Covers
International newspaper
front covers by country.

September 11, 2001 International Newspaper Covers & Headlines - Main International Newspapers - Newspaper front covers by country. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>World Papers Main
September 11, 2001 International Newspaper Covers & Headlines - A-L International Newspapers - Newspaper front covers by country. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>World Papers A-L
September 11, 2001 International Newspaper Covers & Headlines - M-Z International Newspapers - Newspaper front covers by country. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>World Papers M-Z
September 11, 2001 International Newspaper Covers & Headlines - British (U.K.) Newspapers - Newspaper front covers by country. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>U.K. Newspapers
9/11 International
Leaders Reaction
World leaders react to
the attack on America.
Read the comments of
leaders the day of the
September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks.

September 11, 2001 International Leaders Reaction - World leaders react to the attack on America. Comments and speeches of leaders from around the world on the day of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Leaders Reaction
December 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from December 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001. American coalition forces in Afghanistan, and the Taliban are replaced with new Afghan Prime Minister. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

December 1-31, 2001
Daily Timeline & Photos
September 11th in History - Some historians say that the birthdate of Jesus Christ was Sept. 11th, 3 B.C. Great battles, military coups, and construction of the Pentagon begins. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

History of Sept. 11th
September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers Main Page - U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

U.S.A. Newspapers
September 11, 2001 International Community Reaction - Citizens from the U.S., and nations worldwide react with rallies of support and prayers. Plus a list of all countries who lost citizens in the 9/11/2001 attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

World Nations React
International Images
December 2001
Timeline & Images
Daily timeline and daily
images from December 1
to December 31, 2001.
U.S. coalition forces in
Afghanistan, and Taliban
replaced with Afghan PM.

December 2001 Timeline & Images - Daily timeline and daily images from December 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001. American coalition forces in Afghanistan, and the Taliban are replaced with new Afghan Prime Minister. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>December 2001
September 11th
in History
Some historians say on
September 11, 3 B.C.
Jesus Christ was born.
Great battles, military
coups, and construction
of the Pentagon begins.

September 11th in History - Some historians say that the birthdate of Jesus Christ was Sept. 11th, 3 B.C. Great battles, military coups, and construction of the Pentagon begins. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>9/11 in History
9/11 United States
Newspaper Covers
US papers sorted by city.

September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers Main Page - U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Papers - Main
September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers A-D. U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Papers  A-D
September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers E-M. U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Papers  E-M
September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers N-S. U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Papers  N-S
September 11, 2001 U.S.A. Newspaper Front Covers & Headlines - U.S.A. Newspapers T-Z. U.S.A. newspaper covers sorted by city. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>USA Papers  T-Z
9/11 International
Community Reaction
Citizens from the U.S.,
and nations worldwide
react with rallies and
prayers. Plus a list of all
countries who lost citizens
in the 9/11 WTC attacks.

September 11, 2001 International Community Reaction - Citizens from the U.S., and nations worldwide react with rallies of support and prayers. Plus a list of all countries who lost citizens in the 9/11/2001 attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>World Images
October 7, 2001 U.S.A Strikeback Archives - Includes a timeline of events leading up to the strikes, newspaper front covers, TV images, maps, graphs, and President Bush's Oct. 7th speech to the nation. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Oct. 7, 2001 Strikes
in Afghanistan
President George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 - Timeline, speeches, and images of President Bush on 9/11/2001. Plus the text on the War on Terrorism Resolution, and images of senior American officials. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

President George W. Bush
on September 11th, 2001
September 2001 U.S.A. Magazine Covers - Magazine front covers of the American editions of major magazines released in Sept. 2001, after the 9/11 attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

U.S.A. Magazine Covers
Month of Sept. 2001
Flight 93 Images & News Archives - The story of Flight 93 passengers who became heroes on September 11th, and the missing evidence at the Pennsylvania crash site of Flight 93. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Flight 93 Heroes
October 7, 2001 US
Strikeback Archives
Includes a timeline of
events leading up to the
strikes, newspaper front
covers, TV images, maps,
graphs, and President
Bush's Oct. 7th speech.

October 7, 2001 U.S.A Strikeback Archives - Includes a timeline of events leading up to the strikes, newspaper front covers, TV images, maps, graphs, and President Bush's Oct. 7th speech to the nation. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>October 7, 2001
President Bush on
September 11th
Timeline, speeches, &
images of President
Bush on Sept. 11, 2001.
Plus the text of the 'War
Resolution', and images
of senior U.S. officials.

President George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 - Timeline, speeches, and images of President Bush on 9/11/2001. Plus the text on the War on Terrorism Resolution, and images of senior American officials. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Bush Sept. 11th
September U.S.A.
Magazine Covers
Magazine front covers
of the American editions
of major magazines
released in September
2001, after the 9/11
attack on America.

September 2001 U.S.A. Magazine Covers - Magazine front covers of the American editions of major magazines released in Sept. 2001, after the 9/11 attacks. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Magazine Covers
Flight 93 Images
& News Archives
The story of Flight 93
passengers who became
heroes on Sept. 11th,
and the missing evidence
at the Pennsylvania
crash site of Flight 93.

Flight 93 Images & News Archives - The story of Flight 93 passengers who became heroes on September 11th, and the missing evidence at the Pennsylvania crash site of Flight 93. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Crash of Flight 93
In 2002 the September 11th funerals, memorials, continue and the war on terror spreads across the world.
September 11, 2001 News

Jan-Sept 2002 Timeline
President George W. Bush's September 20th 2001 Speech to Congress - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

President Bush Speeches
& Photos - Sept. & Oct.
Osama (Usama) bin Laden & al-Qaeda. Biography and timeline of Osama bin Laden's life. The Jihad or Holy War decreed against America. Osama (Usama) bin Laden in the media, and 'OBL' photographs. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Osama bin Laden Bio
New York City Fire Department Firefighter Images - Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec - Images of brave FDNY firefighters on Sept. 11th 2001 and the weeks following. Plus the story of the photo of three firefighters raising the American flag at WTC's Ground Zero. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

FDNY Firefighter Images
2002 Timeline
Jan 02 - Sept 02
Complete image, photos,
and news timeline of Sept.
11th related events from
January - Sept. 2002.

January - March - In 2002 the September 11th funerals, memorials, continue and the war on terror spreads across the world. >>Jan - March 2002
April - June - In 2002 the September 11th funerals, memorials, continue and the war on terror spreads across the world. >>April - June 2002
July - September - In 2002 the September 11th funerals, memorials, continue and the war on terror spreads across the world. >>July - Sept. 2002
President Bush
Sept/Oct Speeches
Important 9/11 speeches
by U.S. President George
W. Bush to Congress on
Sept. 20th, and at the
Pentagon on Oct. 11th.

President George W. Bush's September 20th 2001 Speech to Congress - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>9/20  Congress
President George W. Bush's October 11th 2001 Speech at the Pentagon - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>10/11 Pentagon
Osama bin Laden
& the al-Qaeda
Biography and timeline of
Osama bin Laden's life.
The Jihad or Holy War
decreed against America.
Osama bin Laden in the
media, and 'OBL' photos.

Osama (Usama) bin Laden & al-Qaeda. Biography and timeline of Osama bin Laden's life. The Jihad or Holy War decreed against America. Osama (Usama) bin Laden in the media, and 'OBL' photographs. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Osama Bio & News
FDNY Firefighters
Images of brave FDNY
firefighters on Sept. 11th
and the weeks following.
Plus the story of photo
of 3 firefighters raising
U.S. flag at Ground Zero.

New York City Fire Department Firefighter Images - Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec - Images of brave FDNY firefighters on Sept. 11th 2001 and the weeks following. Plus the story of the photo of firefighters raising the American flag at WTC's Ground Zero. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>FDNY Firefighters
September 11, 2002, one year after the 9/11 attacks, America and the world remember.
September 11, 2001 News

9/11/02 One Year Later
President George W. Bush's November 10th 2001 Speech to the United Nations - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

Pres. Bush in Nov. 2001
Osama bin Laden Speeches Broadcast on Qatar's al-Jazeera TV. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

bin Laden Broadcasts
American Flag Images - American flags reflect a new spirit of unity and inspiration after the September 11th attacks on America. Flag images from September, 2001 to December, 2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

American Flag Images
September 11, 2002
One Year Later
America and the world
remember the 9/11/01
attacks. Images of
US and international
memorials and events.
Includes Bush's day.

September 11, 2002, one year after the 9/11 attacks, America and the world remember. >>911 Remembered
President Bush
November Speeches
Important 9/11 speeches
by U.S. President George
W. Bush in Atlanta on
Nov. 8th, and at the U.N.
in NYC on Oct. 11, 2001.

President George W. Bush's November 8th 2001 Speech in Atlanta, Ga. - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>11/8 Atlanta, Ga.
President George W. Bush's November 10th 2001 Speech to the United Nations - Important 9/11 speeches by President Bush. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>11/10 U.N. - NYC
Osama bin Laden
Evidence & Speeches
The Dec. 2001 Pentagon
video evidence, and U.K.
evidence. Plus Osama bin
Laden speeches broadcast
on Qatar's al-Jazeera TV.

Osama (Usama) bin Laden Evidence - The Pentagon video evidence & evidence from the U.K. government released in October, 2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Evidence & Video
Osama (Usama) bin Laden TV Speeches - Osama (Usama) bin Laden speeches broadcast on Qatar's al-Jazeera TV. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Al-Jazeera Texts
USA Flag Images
American flags reflect
a new spirit of unity
and inspiration after the
Sept. 11th attack on
America. Flag images
from Sept. to Dec., 2001.

American Flag Images - American flags reflect a new spirit of unity and inspiration after the September 11th attacks on America. Flag images from September, 2001 to December, 2001. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>American Flag
September 11 - September 11th Historical Videos and DVDs - Historic videos and DVDs of 9-11-2001 in association with CNN, Nova, and
September 11, 2001 News

Sept. 11 Videos & Books
Click here to go to our 9/11 Remembrance Art section. Section includes 9/11 art and 9/11 statistics.
September 11, 2001 News

USA Flag Art & History
9/11 Art & Statistics
World Trade Center Art, Facts, & Statistics - WTC art images in posters, prints, and fine art. NYC skyline art, and Statue of Liberty art. World Trade Center photographs, facts, and satistics. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
September 11, 2001 News

WTC Art, Facts & Statistics
WTC New Design Archives - Studio Daniel Libeskind concept and design is selected to build a new Memory Foundations plan at the WTC site.
September 11, 2001 News

WTC Site New Designs
9/11 Historical
Books & Videos
Historical September 11th
books and videos. The
heroes of September 11th
are remembered in words
and on video and film.

 Click here to go to History Will Remember - Buy historic books related to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on America. Book categories include Sept. 11th, George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden, Rudy Giuliani, Terrorism, and the World Trade Center. >>Sept. 11th Books
 Click here to go to History Will Remember - Buy historic videos related to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on America. Videos include the Ground Zero Video Set, and videos on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, Osama bin Laden, and FDNY. >>Sept. 11th Videos
USA Flag Art & Facts
9/11 Art & Statistics
American flag art images
and USA flag history. Plus
September 11, 2001
remembrance art and
casualties information.

American Flag Art & Flag History - American flag art images in posters, prints, and fine art. U.S.A flags, Old Glory, and Stars and Stripes art. Plus a history of the American flag. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>Flag Art & Facts
Click here to go to our 9/11 Remembrance Art section. Section includes 9/11 art and 9/11 statistics. >>9/11 Art & Stats
World Trade Center
Art, News, & Facts
World Trade Center art,
WTC images, statistics,
history, building facts, and
original architect's plans.
Plus World Trade Center
and New York City news.

World Trade Center Art, Facts & Statistics - WTC art images in posters, prints, and fine art. NYC skyline art, and Statue of Liberty art. World Trade Center photographs, facts, and satistics. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted. >>WTC Art & Facts
World Trade Center
Site Plans & News
WTC site will be rebuilt.
In 2002 seven teams of
architects propose nine
unique WTC designs. In
2003 Daniel Libeskind
design plan is selected.

WTC New Design Archives - Studio Daniel Libeskind concept and design is selected to build a new Memory Foundations plan at the WTC site. >>WTC New Designs
More of this hour's 9/11 related Live News Headlines available at these September11News pages.
Afghanistan News International News Int'l Relations News George Bush News WTC News
Pakistan News Middle East News United Nations News bin Laden News WTC Plans News
Iraq News Asia Pacific News NYC News Al-Qaeda News FDNY News
The United States Library of Congress Selects
for the Library's Historic Internet Collection
The United States Library of Congress selects for their historic September 11, 2001 Internet Collection.