Visitors Say About September 11 News
"In Your Own Words" |
11 News is one remarkable site. Yours is one of the best sites I've ever
seen - on any topic.
As a newspaperman I found your newspaper sections most fascinating.
Everyone should see this site."
Lewis McCool, The Durango Herald |
site is the most comprehensive and special coverage I've seen on the
event. Thank you for being
there and putting this together." - Pam Cooper, Writer &
Photographer |
think you have a wonderful site." Michael Haley |
an awesome sight you have built." - Michael Durai |
been reading your site for the last two months, and I feel that every time
that I enter your site, you
have come up with something new. I've looked at many sites covering September
11, and yours is the best."
- Geir Guttormsen |
website is fantastic. The 11's thing is particularly interesting."
- Ray Davis |
is a great September 11 Internet archive."
- Tom Regan, The Christian Science Monitor |
love your site. Keep it running!" - Mona Parillo |
11 News is a tremendous collection of pictures, major newspapers, and
- Steve Bass, PC World |
is by far the best source for the dramatic images which resulted from
the tragic day
in our nation's history. Your site is indeed remarkable for its
completeness and historic significance. As
someone who wears the country's uniform with pride, I salute your
patriotism and commitment to preserving
the images of September 11." - John Wallach, Lieutenant Commander,
U.S. Navy |
you for your wonderful website." - Gene Beard |
have visited your site a few times, and I would just like to say it is
an outstanding site to learn about what
happened on 9-11, and you gave all the useful information and pictures.
It is a great place to look up any
information needed regarding 9-11. Thank you for taking your time to
make such a great site."
- Sarah Tinkham |
you for your wonderful and inspirational website." - Jessica Tucker |
am very impressed with your site and have included it as a resource link
for teachers, parents, and
students. Hopefully, many additional people will find their way to your
incredible resource."
- Bob Ranson, National Education Association |
so much. Great website. Thanks again." - Joshua Schainbaum |
site! I love your section about September 11 in history. Truly amazing.
Keep up the good work."
- Rick Wiese |
want to commend you on the most extensive site on the web concerning
9-11. I spent many hours perusing
your site, and remembering the horror. This day will live forever in our
hearts, and your site keeps these
memories fresh so we will never forget. Thank you for your
efforts." - Stefan Govols |
have a great website." - Tony Scislaw |
an outstandingly excellent job you did on your website." - Maryanne
Ballatore |
find your website fascinating. I am a mathematics professor with a
passion for number symbolism, and the
secrets I believe numbers hold. The 11's in connection to the attack are
truly remarkable." - Monte Zerger |
site is amazing, the best I have seen on the subject, both in its depth,
and the intelligent, accessible way
it is arranged." - Mirana Comstock, www.9-11images.com |
just like to inform you at how helpful this site is. After being
assigned a class project in school about 9-11
I knew exactly where to go ... to this site." - 8th Grade Student |
was very pleased to find your website documenting 911. It was the best
one I found and I have thoroughly
enjoyed it. It is very well designed and I found it easy to
navigate." - Emily Dahlgren, Teacher |
must never take this web site down. It should serve as a reminder
forever of what we lost that day.
We must never forget." - Tim Greenwood |
think your website captures the essence of what happened on that fateful
day." - Jason Fritz |
site is wonderful. Thank you for your time and dedication in putting it
together, especially free of
advertising. Its a powerful tribute and recollection." - Paul
Banker |
have been looking over your September 11 News site, and it's wonderful.
Very interesting. I like the
images that you chose for the homepage." - Lu Esposito, Art.com |
site has been very useful and provided a great deal of information for a
project that I am working on."
- Chris Erdman |
just found your site today, and find it a very useful historical
archive. Thank you for your efforts."
- Dan White |
site is amazing....I haven't even started to look at it all before
I had to write to you. I went to the link
about the number 11, and I am still in total amazement. This is a
wonderful collection of information,
pictures, history, etc. I want to thank you so much for this site.
I plan on sharing it with as many people
that will listen to me. Please tell me that this site will be here
for some time to come. Things change so fast
on the internet and we need time to take in everything you have to share
with us. From the bottom of my
heart, thank you so much for putting this together and sharing it with
the world." - Cindy Ritteman |
greatly appreciate the work you have done on the site. As a police
officer myself, such an accurate and
caring description is a tribute to those who died in public service, and
those who continue to serve."
- Ken Kippenbrock, Policeman |
wanted to drop you a note to say 'Well Done!' I am quite interested in
the latest news and information
on the terrorist attacks on America. Keep up the good work!" - Lisa
McNear |
wanted to let you know that A&E and the History Channel
have chosen September11News.com as the March/April 2002 Site of the
We are happy to reward you with this exposure for a job well done."
- Kathy Hermanowski, A&E/History Channel |
wanted to drop you an e-mail to say that I am impressed by the hard work
that went into your web site.
Very nice and clean pages. I especially liked the newspaper covers from
around the world."
- David Pomerantz, Microsoft Engineering/Technology |
were given the assignment to do a project on freedom. When I saw
your website it inspired me to make
a tribute video to the heroes of 9-11 and how they preserved our
freedom. I found your images very gripping
and emotional. I just wanted to thank you for having a great site
that is so powerful and moving. God Bless."
- Jim Parker, Student |
would like to thank you for your site. I am making a timeline of the War
on Terror, and your timelines
have helped me fill in the blanks. Thank you for your time and
service." - Charles Jurries, Student |
doing a story on September 11-related Web sites, and yours is definitely
one of the most interesting
and wide-ranging." - Lane Lambert, Reporter, Patriot Ledger, Quincy, Mass. |
ran across your website and found it to be an incredible source of
information regarding 9-11." - A. Solomon |
had the wonderful opportunity of being able to completely browse your
website in its entirety. Thank-you."
- Mathew Arthur |
just wanted to let you know what an excellent web site you have. I am so
amazed by the wealth of
information you provide. I hope that when my children are old enough to
study the terrorist attacks in school
that this web site will be there for them to see what really happened.
Thanks so much." - Kristi Pechtl |
have just been on your September 11th site, and it has made me aware of
the horrific tragedy America
suffered. Although this email is a small contribution, I
simply felt I had to send my deepest condolences to
all the victims. The victims families will be in my thoughts tonight."
- Craig Scott, England |
you so very much for your amazing web site. I have been
researching 9/11 to try and figure out
why this happened. What you have done here is absolutely amazing.
It truly shows that you are doing your
part to support freedom-loving nations. Thank you for giving your time
to this amazing site. I hope that this
site is always here at my finger tips." - Renee Knobl |
you for all the time that was put into this site. I just found it today
and I am really impressed. It must
have been hard trying not to cry while putting together all the
pictures. I will always shed some tears looking
through sites I go into pertaining to 9-1-1. Thanks again." -
Mariann Kennernecht |
greatly admire your work." - S. Rose |
husband and I feel very strongly that we must never allow the horrific
events of September 11 to be
forgotten. The pictures you have displayed on the website are very
telling to the event." - Eileen Mouzoon |
sight is great...tasteful, easy to view, well presented and laid out
well. A lot of information that is easy
to get to." - Judith Bell |
want to thank you for assembling such a complete, detailed and moving
account of 9/11 and a tribute to
those who were lost. As a Canadian citizen living in the US, I
especially want to thank you for your inclusion
of the reactions of world leaders, to show all Americans that they do
not stand alone." - Brent Tynan |
would like to use your timeline for publication in a special section on
September 11 and its aftermath. I
have found your timeline to be the most inclusive, most informative and
most interesting."
- Lisa Hewel, Copy Editor, Times Herald-Record, Middleton, NY |
done. Wonderful job. Thanks." - Ron Hauser |
would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the
amazing site you have created. The
amount of content, images and overall information is amazing! I'm
currently working on a school assignment
about the disaster and your site has helped me immensely." - Jordan
Lee, Student |
you for building a web site that contains all this information. This
site gives us a better insight into that
devastating day. I will recommend your site to all of my friends."
- Adal Oliverez |